Charging posts & charging boxes

Enstream provides large and small property owners with efficient and reliable charging solutions. Our experienced engineers take your needs as their starting point and present charging points that are as ideal for you today as they will be in years to come. The number of electric cars is growing rapidly and we provide charging solutions that are flexible and easy to deploy.

Some of our customers

En pappa håller i sitt barn som sträcker sig fram för att sätta elbilen på laddning.

Charging support: Investing for the Future

You get investment support

All our charging solutions meet the requirements for investment support.You receive grants from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency when you invest in charging stations and we help you with the application process and to ensure that you receive your grant.

The fossil-free transition is moving fast

More and more people are choosing electric cars and the charging infrastructure is being expanded. Expectations from employees, customers and other guests for charging facilities are increasing. Welcome to hire us at Enstream to achieve environmentally smart and profitable charging.

What are the options?

Enstream provides large and small property owners with efficient and reliable charging solutions. Our experienced engineers take your needs as their starting point and present you with charging points that are as ideal for you today as they will be in years to come.

The number of electric cars is growing rapidly and we provide charging solutions that are flexible and easy to deploy.

Tre vita elbilar står på rad och laddas.
Närbild på en elbil som laddar, en kvinna går från bilen.

Full financing and leasing of charging stations

At Enstream, we can offer you as a customer full financing of the installation. This means that you as a property owner do not have to pay anything for your charging stations.

How does it work? Well, we charge a portion of the charge that accumulates over time. The installation can be bought by the customer at any time. It’s a very flexible way to actually get started with your charging station infrastructure.

A property that can offer its residents or tenants the possibility of charging increases its value when sold.

Combined Charging Stations & Solar Carports

Do you have large parking areas or similar where you can improve and increase the property value?

We have developed a cost-effective overall solution with carports, solar cells and charging boxes in one and the same product. Contact us for more information!

General contractor = security throughout the project.

Enstream is with you all the way – from analysis and proposal of solutions to implementation and commissioning. We are a general contractor and work according to ABT 06 to provide you with a secure overall solution where we are responsible for all parts.

In the projects, we always hold continuous reconciliations with you as the client so that you can feel secure that the project is proceeding according to plan.

Learn more about our energy optimization services

Exhaust Air Recovery
Solar Cells & Hybrid Panels
IMD – Shared Electricity
Interested in knowing more about Charging posts & charging boxes?

We are your long-term partner for energy saving. Enstream follows our constant guiding stars; to contribute to climate work, satisfied customers and solutions optimized with regard to energy and the economy.

Bild på två av Enstreams anställda. Illustrerar vem man kan kontakta för mer hjälp eller svar på frågor om energioptimering.

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