Energy management & services

Through our tailored services, we aim to maximize the health of your building, minimize energy consumption and ensure that every system works properly.

Don’t spend more energy than you need!

Bild på en av Enstreams anställda. Fotot är taget bakifrån och man ser att han är ute hos kund och utför service.

Some of our customers

Digital monitoring and operational optimization

Continuous monitoring and optimization of your energy system.

Smart control

Replace the conventional heating control with a smart control.

En man utför en fysisk rondering.

Physical patrols

Our property technicians visit your property, carry out detailed
checks on your systems.

General contractor = security throughout the project.

Enstream is with you all the way – from analysis and proposal of solutions to implementation and commissioning. We are a general contractor and work according to ABT 06 to provide you with a secure overall solution where we are responsible for all parts.

In the projects, we always hold continuous reconciliations with you as the client so that you can feel secure that the project is proceeding according to plan.

Learn more about our energy optimization services

Exhaust Air Recovery

Ground source heat pump and free cooling

Ventilation units

Solar Cells & Hybrid Panels

Energy management & services

Pipe installations

Smart Management & Energy Optimization
Interested in knowing more about Energy management & services ?

We are your long-term partner for energy saving. Enstream follows our constant guiding stars; to contribute to climate work, satisfied customers and solutions optimized with regard to energy and the economy.

Bild på två av Enstreams anställda. Illustrerar vem man kan kontakta för mer hjälp eller svar på frågor om energioptimering.

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