Contact us

With a specialized competence and an enthusiasm for technical systems in properties, we can help you with the measures required to optimize the property from an energy and sustainability perspective.


We equip property owners for the future

Enstream helps property owners lower their energy consumption, become more environmentally friendly and save money.

We work in project form: from idea, investigations and calculations to finished installations and commissioning. Complementary services are analyzes and measurements of electricity and heat effects, all so that you get the best possible solution for your property. Our goal is to use well-developed working methods to deliver complete, operational facilities at the lowest total cost.

We keep up to date with the latest products on the market and always look at the property as a whole. Heating, ventilation and control – everything is connected. We are a general contractor and work according to ABT 06 to provide you with a secure overall solution where we are responsible for all parts.

Contact us today to get started with energy saving!
With a specialized competence and an enthusiasm for technical systems in properties, we can help you with the measures required to optimize the property from an energy and sustainability perspective.

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